Is your website secure?


HTTPS should sound familiar to you. Many website URLs start with “https”, not just “http”, in order to indicate encryption. This SSL certificate provides security and means Secure Sockets Level certificate. This certificate protects sensitive data entered on a website while it is travelling from the site to a web server via a secure connection.

The lock icon that comes with the security certificate is a bonus. You’ll see a padlock in your browser’s address box if you look closely. Clicking it will reveal a message that confirms the site’s safety, such as: “the connection to this website is secure,” depending upon your browser settings. For Website Security Checks, visit

Privacy policies

The privacy statement of a website should explain how data is collected, protected, and used by the site. Data privacy laws are requiring that nearly all websites have one. In countries such as Australia and Canada and the EU, even more strict rules have been implemented. The existence of a privacy policy shows that the owner is concerned about following these laws and keeping their website safe. Look for and read a privacy policy before providing your personal information to any website.

Contact information

A website without a phone number, or any other contact information will be left behind. A safe website should display an email, phone number, physical address (if available), return policy, if applicable, as well as social media accounts. They won’t provide any protection, but will indicate that you have someone to contact if you require assistance.

Verify the trust seal

A trust seal is likely to be an icon that says “Secure”, “Verified” or similar. A trust seal is a sign that the site works with a partner in security. Seals can indicate HTTPS security but also other features like the last malware scanning.

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