We’ve seen a lot of heated debates in the gaming community over which console is the best. It’s time to settle it once and for all: Playstation 2 or Nintendo 64? n64 vs ps2: Differences Let’s start with the graphics and sound quality. The Play Station 2 is better in terms of graphics and sound quality. It has a DVD player, which means that you can watch movies on your television as well as play games. The Nintendo 64 doesn’t have this feature, so if you want to watch movies or listen to music CDs, you would need another device like a VCR or CD player connected to your TV set-up. The game selection for Playstation 2 is also much wider than N64’s game selection due to the fact that it has more memory cards available for purchase (from 4MB up) than Nintendo 64 does (32MB max). This means there are more games available for sale on Playstation 2 than there are on Nintendo 64 even though they both have similar prices when they were first released (about $50-$60). Graphics and sound quality As far as graphics and sound quality go, both the N64 and PS2 are very similar. The N64’s graphics are very good for its time, but they don’t hold up against today’s standards. In comparison, the PS2 has slightly better pixel density across all of its games (except for Gran Turismo 3), which makes it look more realistic than the N64. In terms of audio quality, both consoles produce some great sounds—but they aren’t exactly comparable with each other or modern consoles like Xbox One X or PS4 Pro due to their different methods of producing audio output. Game selection The Nintendo 64 only has 64 games, and most of them are terrible. Almost every game on the N64 is a port or remake of an older game (Ocarina of Time, Super Mario 64, etc.), while almost all of the PS2’s games are brand new. The exclusives for both consoles are terrible (except for maybe Goldeneye 007), but that doesn’t matter because there aren’t any good third-party games either. However, if you want to play some classic titles with cool graphics and sound effects then get yourself an Xbox 360 or PS3 instead—the visuals in old school N64 games like Ocarina are embarrassing by today’s standards. You’re better off spending your hard-earned money on a more powerful system with more variety in its library instead—or just buying your favorite single player game from Steam at $5 per title without having to worry about anything breaking down on you later on like these old consoles tend to do after awhile (especially when playing multiplayer). Add-ons and online play PS2 has a DVD player add-on. This is only for you if you have a lot of reading to do, because it doesn’t play films in the same way that your regular DVD player would. PS2 has better graphics and sound quality than N64. The graphics on N64 are pretty simple and it’s not very realistic looking at all, but PS2 is much better with its rich colors and smooth textures. N64 has more games available! It seems like there’s always something new coming out for this console, while PS2 doesn’t seem to get as many games as often as they should (because they’re so expensive). Neither system has online play built into them like some other systems do now (like XBox), but both do offer add-ons for adding this feature onto them later on down the road! It might cost extra money though… Memory card capacity and price While the PS2 memory cards were more expensive than their N64 counterparts, they were also larger and could be used with a variety of different devices. The largest size available for PlayStation 2 memory cards was 512 MB, compared to the largest Nintendo 64 memory card at 64 MB. This meant that a single PS2 memory card could hold several times as many games as a similarly sized Nintendo 64 cartridge. Additionally, because these devices were originally created for another gaming system (PlayStation), they are often compatible with other devices that use this format—like the PlayStation 3 or PSP handhelds—and can even be used in some cameras. Hard drive and DVD player add-on availability The PS2 had a DVD player add-on, which allowed the user to play DVDs on their console. Additionally, Sony released the Net Yaroze program, which allowed N64 owners to convert their consoles into development kits. In contrast, there were no similar programs for the PS2. The N64 also did not have any HDDs or DVD drives that could be connected to it; however, there was an attachment that would allow one to connect a floppy disk drive via USB in order to save game data (as well as load games). PS2 has a better game selection than N64 (the PS2 had more games). Some of the games that were released for both systems were: Super Smash Bros series – The later installments were only available on Nintendo 64 (that said they were still awesome). Resident Evil 2 – The original was only available as a demo on Nintendo 64 and Resident Evil 3 was not released until 2002 when it came out as part of Resident Evil Code: Veronica X – Special Edition which also included a remake of Resident Evil 1. Conclusion They are both great consoles and have their own merits. If you want something more powerful with graphics, then go with the PS2. If you want something more affordable that you can take on trips, then go with the N64.