Innovative Ideas For Your Roof

We don’t use our roofs very much. Although we value the protection they provide, we often forget about it until something bad happens. We tend to just waste that space on top of our house. However, you can use it in a variety of ways.

  1. Roof Terrace

You can do many things with a flat roof. You can build a terrace that you can use to entertain guests or have meals outside on nice days. When you need Roofing Companies Bristol, consider Mogford Prescott

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  1. Roof Garden

You can transform your roof with potted plants, urns or turf. The slugs, snails, and other pests cannot reach the roof.

  1. Bird Oasis

Birds will flock to the roof if you install bird feeders and tables. They’ll also be protected from cats in the neighbourhood.

  1. Pergola

You could build a roof pergola, but it is important that the roof can support the weight.

  1. Solar Panels

Installing solar panels on your roof means you won’t be using as much power from the national grid. It’s a great way to save money while reducing your carbon footprint.

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  1. Loft Conversion

In the same vein, the space beneath your roof can be very valuable. Loft conversions are a great alternative to moving if you want an extra bedroom, a playroom, or even space for your model train set.

  1. Skylights

Installing skylights on the roof of your loft can make it more enjoyable to be in.

  1. Dormer Windows

A dormer or two can give your home a more elegant look by allowing light to enter an attic, or loft that has been converted. You can also enjoy great views.

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